The area of atherosclerotic plaque was measured by image analysis after oil red O staining. 用油红O染色法和图像分析法测量小鼠动脉粥样硬化斑块面积。
Method The thermal paper is soaked in the oil red O solution, and the oil red O could colored the fats contained in the fingerprint residue. 方法将检材浸泡在配制好的油红O的显现试剂中,油红可将指纹中遗留的油脂染色从而显现出手印纹线。
The proliferation and differentiation of preadipocyte were determined by MTT spectrophotometry and Oil Red O staining respectively. 通过形态学观察、MTT比色、油红O染色提取法,比较各组细胞形态及增殖与分化的效果。
The changes of atherosclerosis plaque size were observed by oil red O staining. 油红O染色观察小鼠主动脉根部斑块面积的变化。
By observed cells morphologic changes, oil red o staining lipids assay, vanilline total fat and total protein assay method to detect regulation of AA and DHA on adipocytes differentiation. 通过细胞形态观察、油红O染色、香草醛测总脂法和考马斯亮蓝测总蛋白等方法分析不同浓度AA和DHA对大鼠前体脂肪细胞分化的影响。
Adipogenic differentiation of ASCs was assessed by Oil Red O staining. 成脂定向诱导分化后油红O染色定性。
Oil red O staining was used to observe the intracellular lipid droplets. 用油红O染色观测细胞内脂质蓄积情况;
Oil red O became more obvious when concentration was increased. 曲格列酮组随着药物浓度增高,油红O染色明显增强。
The degree of adipogenesis and differentiation were measured by Oil Red O staining extraction assay. 油红O染色提取定量分析细胞内脂肪生成及细胞分化程度;
Oil Red O was used for fat staining. 油红O检测中性脂肪。
Oil Red O Dyeing experiment was used to show the cellular lipid droplets in cells; 油红O染色观察细胞内脂滴的形成情况;高效液相分析法检测细胞内胆固醇含量;
The histopathological change in liver ( HE staining, oil red O staining); 肝组织病理变化(HE染色、油红O染色);
Results The value of cell count by Oil red O stain coloration and optical density declined as the passages increased. 结果:随着传代次数增加,油红O染色细胞计数值与光密度值均下降。
Fat droplets in liver tissue stained with Oil Red O were decreased as the doses of CLA increased. CLA组大鼠肝脏切片油红O染色后肝细胞内的红染脂滴随CLA剂量的增加逐渐减少。
This study examined the effect of troglitazone on preadipocyte differentiation by oil red O staining. 油红O染色定量的方法观察曲格列酮对前脂肪细胞分化的影响。
Liver fatty changes were evaluated with oil red O staining. 油红O染色观察肝组织脂肪浸润;
Osteogenic differentiation was assessed by von Kossa and alkaline phosphatase staining, while chondrogenic and adipogenic differentiation were assessed by Alcian blue staining and Oil Red O staining respectively. 用VOnKossa和碱性磷酸酶染色鉴定成骨细胞分化,而软骨细胞分化和脂肪细胞分化分别用alcianblue染色和油红O染色显示。
Oil Red O staining of the ASCs after 2 weeks of culture demonstrated numerous intracellular lipid droplets. 成脂诱导分化2周后,细胞内可见有大量脂滴,油红0染色可见胞浆内有大量红染颗粒。
And the cells could be induced to adipocytes, which were positive in Oil red O stains. 成脂诱导后细胞肥大,油红O染色阳性。
Methods Cell differentiation was determined by Oil Red O staining; 方法油红O染色法测定细胞分化速度;
Their dynamic morphological changes, growth curve, glycerophosphate dehydrogenase pattern, oil red O staining, and reaction to insulin and dexamethasone all verified their preadipocyte identity. Under controlled conditions, the preadipocytes replayed their in vivo hyperplasia and hypertrophy process. 经形态学动态变化、生长曲线、甘油磷酸脱氢酶活性变化、油红O脂肪染色及对胰岛素和地塞米松反应的测定,证明是功能活跃的前脂肪细胞,并在体外重现了其增殖、肥大的全过程。
The lipidoses of aortic sinus was detected by oil red O staining frozen section. 冰冻切片油红O染色检测主动脉窦脂质沉积。
Nerve-like cells with radiation filamentous cell protrusions were positive in oil red O staining. 神经样细胞具有放射丝状细胞突起,油红0染色呈阳性反应。
Adipogenic induced for 8 days and oil red O staining was performed. Lipid droplets were found in microscope. 成脂诱导第8天油红O染色,镜下可见被染成橘红色的脂滴。
Oil red O could be specific binding to triglyceride in mature adipocytes. 油红O染料可与脂肪细胞内的脂质特异性结合。
Identification of foam cells: cholesterol content was tested by oil red O staining and oxidase methods, then make conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis of foam cells. 3. 泡沫细胞鉴定,利用油红O染色和氧化酶法细胞内胆固醇含量的测定,进行泡沫细胞定性和定量分析。
The lipid accumulation in kidney was evaluated by Oil Red O staining and quantitative analysis. 油红O染色及酶法检测肾组织内脂质沉积情况。
The fatty droplets in hepatocytes could be observed by oil red O staining. 采用油红O染色观察处理后肝细胞内脂肪滴变化情况。
Oil red O staining and compared the morphological changes in the structure. 用油红0染色鉴定并比较其形态结构的变化。